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5 years ago · by · 0 comments

Industry – Institute Interaction Meeting – NIT and MCC

Sri. A. Shyam Sunder, President chaired the meeting. He welcomed all the participants arrived for  the interaction.


Dr. Ashok S., Dean (R & C) NITC said that this is the first meeting that this type of meeting has occurred  and hoped more people will attend for next meetings. He said for the next meeting, they will invite their principal also. Government  has recommended for industry academia inter action. Most of the industrialists do not know how NITC can help them and what all facilities are available at NITC. NITC is ready to share their knowledge.

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5 years ago · by · 0 comments

Discussion on Union Budget 2019-20 jointly held with Kozhikode Branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

CA Sarala, Chairperson of the Kozhikode Branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India welcomed the dignitaries as well as the audience.


Sri. A. Shyam Sunder, President chaired the meeting. He said that our Chamber has been associating with the Kozhikode Branch of the Chartered Accountants for the last so many years in a commendable way. The Finance Minister Mrs. Nirmala Sitaraman said that India is poised to reach the 5 million dollar economy status and expects to reach this pinnacle by 2024.

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5 years ago · by · 0 comments

Workshop on filing of Annual Returns of GSTR

Sri. A. Shyam Sunder, President chaired the meeting. He welcomed the gathering. He said that the last date for filing of Annual returns of GST has been extended for one month, ie. end of July. The year recorded the highest tax collection with regard to GST.

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5 years ago · by · 0 comments

Seminar on ‘Doing Business with UAE’ Taking Business Globally, jointly with SAIF ZONE and FIEO.

Sri. A.K. Vijayakumar of FIEO welcomed the gathering at the venue, Hotel Taj Residency, Calicut.


Lt Col K K Manu  (Retd), Hon. Secretary gave the special Address. He said that in the olden days, Calicut was almost like the Free Zones of today and free trade on large scale was carried out with Calicut.  Arabs were the early traders who came to Calicut to do trade with people of Calicut. Now the other side or vice versa is being explored and the SAIF ZONE of Sharjah is exploring business opportunities and want businessmen to establish trade and Industry at Sharjah. SAIF ZONE had also interacted with members of Malabar Chamber on previous occasions also.

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Reception given to Cdr. Vijay Varma

President Sri. A. Shyam Sunder chaired the meeting and welcomed the gathering. He said that we have gathered here to honour a man par excellence, a man of valour, who have saved many lives during the recent devastating floods. But for the bravery of Cdr. Vijay Varma and others and the fishermen of Kerala, the death toll would have increased considerably.


A power point presentation was running depicting the Chivalrous act of Cdr. Vijay Varma.

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Exclusive presentation on CANTON Fair 2019

The program began with silent invocation.
Sri. MPM Mubashir welcomed the participants gathered at the auditorium.
Sri. A. Shyam Sunder, President chaired the meeting. He said that amoung the objectives of Malabar Chamber of Commerce, one of the important one is promotion of business and trade.

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Discussion on SOURA – Roof Top Solar Project

The program began with silent invocation.
Sri. A. Shyam Sunder delivered the welcome cum Presidential address. Kerala Government has launched a novel project whereby Govt. will set up Roof top Solar Energy Project free of cost and the house owner will get 10% of the energy free of cost and rest will be taken by KSEB.

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Malabar Chamber of Commerce
No.6/1165, Chamber House,
Cherooty Road, Kozhikode – 673032
Phone : 0495 2365282, 2365292
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Available Working Time : 10:00am - 6:30pm

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